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Music-making facilitates acculturation and reduces acculturative stress: Evidence from a survey of migrants living in Germany
Psychology of Music ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-20 , DOI: 10.1177/03057356241243333
Jasmin Chantah 1 , Emily Frankenberg 1 , Zora Kasanda 1 , Stephan Bongard 1

Beneficial effects of music on wellbeing and group cohesion are well established. Furthermore, participation in music groups has been shown to be associated with increased orientation to the host culture, while orientation to culture of origin appears to remain unaffected. In order to gain insight into the effects of music activities on acculturative stress in adult migrants, a group of musically active migrants to Germany ( n = 80) was compared with migrants who had never played a musical instrument ( n = 86). We saw that music group members ( n = 42) reported lower levels of acculturative stress and a stronger orientation to mainstream culture compared to participants who are not actively making music. The association between music group membership and acculturative stress was mediated by orientation to host culture. Solo-musicians ( n = 38) did not differ from group-musicians and musically non-active subjects. We found no differences in orientation to the culture of origin between the study groups. The findings suggest that (group) music making can support acculturation processes in migrants.



音乐对幸福感和团队凝聚力的有益影响是众所周知的。此外,事实证明,参加音乐团体与对东道国文化的取向增强有关,而对原籍文化的取向似乎不受影响。为了深入了解音乐活动对成年移民文化压力的影响,我们将一组活跃于德国的音乐移民 (n = 80) 与从未演奏过乐器的移民 (n = 86) 进行了比较。我们发现,与不积极创作音乐的参与者相比,音乐团体成员 (n = 42) 的文化适应压力较低,对主流文化的倾向更强。音乐团体成员身份与文化压力之间的关联是通过对东道国文化的定位来调节的。独奏音乐家(n = 38)与团体音乐家和音乐上不活跃的受试者没有区别。我们发现研究组之间对原籍文化的取向没有差异。研究结果表明,(团体)音乐制作可以支持移民的文化适应过程。