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Racialised terminologies and the BAME problematic: A perspective from football’s British South Asian senior leaders and executives
The Sociological Review ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-20 , DOI: 10.1177/00380261241245186
Stefan Lawrence 1 , Thomas Fletcher 1 , Daniel Kilvington 1

This article problematises the usage of the term ‘BAME’ (Black Asian and Minority Ethnic) and considers its limitations as a diversity intervention. It draws on sociolinguistics, critical race theories and poststructuralism and is based on interviews with 21 British South Asian people working at senior and executive levels of the professional football industry in England and Scotland. Our analysis delineates formal and informal modes of racialisation, extending theories of racialisation beyond the creation of legal categories, to consider the discursive construction of ‘race’ and its institutionalising effects. At the same time, we show that it is important for sporting institutions to recognise and celebrate British South Asian representation, wherever and however it exists. The article calls for a greater focus on the sociolinguistic dimensions of racialised terminologies and their (in)ability to capture racialised difference; secondly, through invoking anti-essentialism and differential racialisation as heuristic tools it explores how racialised language reflects and sustains racialised hierarchies; and thirdly, it advocates for a deconstruction of the term ‘British South Asian’ to encourage a more nuanced approach to policy development aimed at realising better diversity outcomes.


种族化术语和 BAME 问题:英国南亚足球高级领导人和高管的视角

本文对“BAME”(亚洲黑人和少数民族)一词的使用提出了问题,并认为其作为多样性干预的局限性。该报告借鉴了社会语言学、批判种族理论和后结构主义,基于对 21 名在英格兰和苏格兰职业足球行业担任高级管理人员的英国南亚人的采访。我们的分析描绘了正式和非正式的种族化模式,将种族化理论扩展到法律类别的创建之外,以考虑“种族”的话语建构及其制度化效果。与此同时,我们表明,对于体育机构来说,承认和庆祝英国南亚代表权非常重要,无论其存在于何处、以何种方式存在。该文章呼吁更多地关注种族化术语的社会语言学维度及其捕捉种族化差异的(不)能力;其次,通过援引反本质主义和差别种族化作为启发工具,它探讨了种族化语言如何反映和维持种族化等级制度;第三,它主张解构“英属南亚”一词,以鼓励采取更细致的政策制定方法,以实现更好的多元化结果。