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Exploring music learning needs of working-age individuals in Thailand
International Journal of Music Education ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-20 , DOI: 10.1177/02557614241247880
Skowrung Saibunmi 1 , Saya Thuntawech 2

This quantitative study delves into the music learning needs of working-age individuals in Thailand, focusing on those aged 21 to 59 years outside the music profession. The research, conducted in October 2023, collected responses from 503 participants through an online structured questionnaire. The findings revealed that “As a hobby/for relaxation” emerged as the primary motivation for enrolling in music classes, among currently enrolled, previously enrolled, and prospective participants. Desired learning contexts revealed “Onsite learning” with a “Very High” mean score for current ( x− = 4.89) and past enrollees ( x− = 4.58), while those aspiring to enroll rated this and “Hybrid Learning” in a “High” level. “Private learning” earned a “High” rating across groups, and “Small group learning” received a “High” rating for prospective and past enrollees. Exploring learning styles, participants consistently rated items at a High Level, encompassing “Involvement in learning choices,” “Prioritizing adaptation over theory,” “Using metaphor,” “Visual learning,” “Auditory learning,” and “Kinesthetic learning.” Barriers to music learning, including “Time management” and “Memory,” were notably high among past enrollees. These insights offer valuable guidance for tailoring music activities or lessons to the specific needs of adult learners.



这项定量研究深入探讨了泰国工作年龄人群的音乐学习需求,重点关注年龄在 21 岁至 59 岁之间的非音乐职业人士。该研究于 2023 年 10 月进行,通过在线结构化调查问卷收集了 503 名参与者的回复。调查结果显示,“作为一种爱好/放松”成为目前注册、以前注册和潜在参与者参加音乐课程的主要动机。期望的学习环境显示,当前注册者 (x− = 4.89) 和过去注册者 (x− = 4.58) 的“现场学习”平均得分为“非常高”,而那些渴望注册的人则将“现场学习”和“混合学习”评为“高” “ 等级。 “私人学习”在各组中获得了“高”评级,“小组学习”在未来和过去的参与者中获得了“高”评级。在探索学习方式时,参与者一致对项目进行了高水平评分,包括“参与学习选择”、“优先考虑适应而不是理论”、“使用隐喻”、“视觉学习”、“听觉学习”和“动觉学习”。在过去的参与者中,音乐学习的障碍(包括“时间管理”和“记忆力”)特别高。这些见解为根据成人学习者的特定需求定制音乐活动或课程提供了宝贵的指导。