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Exploring expectations and lived experiences of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in Birmingham, UK
Travel Behaviour and Society ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2024.100800
Ruth Pritchett , Suzanne Bartington , G Neil Thomas

In the UK, urban environments suffer disproportionately from pollution and community severance due to private vehicle use and related infrastructure. During the COVID-19 pandemic, local authorities implemented Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTN) to encourage active travel and improve urban residential environments. This research explored people’s expectations and lived experience of two LTNs in Birmingham, a large city, providing insights for future schemes. Birmingham City Council held pre-LTN (July-November 2020) and post-LTN consultations (February-April 2021). A qualitative thematic analysis of respondents’ responses explored thoughts on local transport issues, expectations, and lived experiences of LTNs. There were 3751 and 791 responses to pre- and post-LTN consultations. Most respondents were female local residents; with 45–54 years olds the most frequent responders. Overarching categories: (i) Pre-LTN transport concerns and proposed solutions; (ii) Anticipated and reported benefits from the LTN and (ii) Anticipated and reported disadvantages from the LTN. Cited benefits included reduced traffic and safety concerns, increased active transport and an improved sense of community. Disadvantages included frustration, inconvenience and great resentment between residents of roads with and without filters. Both support and opposition to LTNs was found. LTNs addressed some, but not all local traffic concerns. Feelings of discrimination were noted by residents of streets without filters; high street residents encountering displaced traffic and disabled car users. Piecemeal LTN implementation may undermine community cohesion. Networks of modal filters across neighbouring residential areas with measures addressing the interplay between residential, business, school and faith environments and additional measures supporting boundary roads may maximise LTN benefits.



在英国,由于私家车的使用和相关基础设施的使用,城市环境受到污染和社区隔离的影响尤为严重。在 COVID-19 大流行期间,地方当局实施了低交通街区 (LTN),以鼓励积极出行并改善城市居住环境。这项研究探讨了人们对大城市伯明翰两个 LTN 的期望和生活体验,为未来的计划提供了见解。伯明翰市议会举行了 LTN 前(2020 年 7 月至 11 月)和 LTN 后(2021 年 2 月至 4 月)的磋商。对受访者的回答进行定性主题分析,探讨了对当地交通问题、期望和 LTN 生活经历的想法。 LTN 前后的咨询分别有 3751 份和 791 份回复。大多数受访者是当地女性居民;其中 45 至 54 岁的受访者最为频繁。总体类别: (i) LTN 之前的交通问题和建议的解决方案; (ii) LTN 的预期和报告的好处,以及 (ii) LTN 的预期和报告的缺点。提到的好处包括减少交通和安全问题、增加主动交通和改善社区意识。缺点包括使用和不使用过滤器的道路上的居民之间的沮丧、不便和强烈的不满。对 LTN 的支持和反对都有。 LTN 解决了​​部分但不是全部的本地交通问题。没有过滤器的街道上的居民感受到了歧视;高街居民遇到交通流离失所和残疾汽车使用者。零散的 LTN 实施可能会破坏社区凝聚力。 跨越邻近住宅区的模态过滤器网络,采取解决住宅、商业、学校和宗教环境之间相互作用的措施以及支持边界道路的其他措施,可以最大限度地提高 LTN 的效益。