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Novel Types of Phyllobilins in a Fern - Molecular Reporters of the Evolution of Chlorophyll Breakdown in the Paleozoic Era
Chemistry - A European Journal ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-18 , DOI: 10.1002/chem.202401288
Theresia Erhart 1 , Christian Nadegger 1 , Stefan Vergeiner 1 , Christoph Kreutz 1 , Thomas Müller 1 , Bernhard Kräutler 2

Bilin-type chlorophyll-catabolites in de-greened leaves of the bracken fern and of some angiosperms are molecular reporters of a common basic pathway of Chl-breakdown in two widely different plant divisions. However, the Chl-catabolite structures were revealed to also differ in striking ways, shedding light on the evolution of specific Chl-breakdown strategies in early land plants that existed in the Paleozoic, as progenitors of the extant flora.


蕨类植物中的新型叶绿素 - 古生代叶绿素分解演化的分子报告者

蕨类植物和一些被子植物的脱绿叶子中的 Bilin 型叶绿素分解代谢物是两个截然不同的植物科中叶绿素分解的共同基本途径的分子报道分子。然而,叶绿素分解代谢物结构也被发现存在显着差异,揭示了古生代早期陆地植物(作为现存植物群的祖先)特定叶绿素分解策略的演变。