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Child sexual abuse and social identity loss: A qualitative analysis of survivors' public accounts
British Journal of Social Psychology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-18 , DOI: 10.1111/bjso.12752
Orla T Muldoon 1 , Alastair Nightingale 1 , Grace McMahon 1 , Siobhan Griffin 1 , Daragh Bradshaw 1 , Robert D Lowe 2 , Katrina McLaughlin 3

Emerging evidence suggests that social identities are an important determinant of adaptation following traumatic life experiences. In this paper, we analyse accounts of people who experienced child sexual abuse. Using publicly available talk of people who waived their right to anonymity following successful conviction of perpetrators, we conducted a thematic analysis focusing on trauma‐related changes in their social identities. Analysis of these accounts highlighted two themes. The first highlights the acquisition in these accounts of unwanted and damaging identity labels. The second presents child sexual abuse as a key destructive force in terms of important identity work during childhood. Discussion of this analysis centres on the pathological consequences of social identity change. Both the loss of valued identities and the acquisition of aberrant and isolating identities are experienced and constructed as devastating by those affected by child sexual abuse. This has important implications, not only for those impacted by child sexual abuse but for how abuse is discussed in society, and how it is approached by policy makers, educators and individuals working with survivors and their families.


