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The Board of Trade and the regulatory state in the long 19th century, 1815–1914
Regulation & Governance ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-17 , DOI: 10.1111/rego.12593
Perri 6 1, 2 , Eva Heims 2, 3

How does regulatory statehood develop from the regulatory work which governments have always done? This article challenges conventional views that regulatory statehood is achieved by transition to arm's length agencies and that it replaces court-based enforcement or displaces legislatures in favor of less accountable executive power. To do so, we examine the major 19th-century surge in development of micro-economic regulatory statehood in Britain, which had followed more gradual development in early modern times. We show that when the transformation of the Board of Trade is understood properly, a richer appreciation emerges of how regulatory statehood is institutionalized generally and of British state-making in particular. To demonstrate this, we introduce a novel conceptual framework for analyzing and assessing change on multiple dimensions of regulatory statehood, distinguishing depth of regulatory capacity and regulatory capability along six dimensions.


漫长的 19 世纪(1815 年至 1914 年)的贸易委员会和监管国家

监管国家地位是如何从政府一直以来所做的监管工作发展而来的?本文挑战了传统观点,即监管国家地位是通过向独立机构过渡而实现的,并且它取代了基于法院的执法或取代了立法机构,转而采用责任较少的行政权力。为此,我们研究了 19 世纪英国微观经济监管国家发展的重大激增,这是在近代早期更为渐进的发展之后发生的。我们表明,当正确理解贸易委员会的转变时,人们就会对监管国家地位如何制度化,特别是英国的国家制定方式有更丰富的认识。为了证明这一点,我们引入了一个新颖的概念框架,用于分析和评估监管国家地位多个维度的变化,区分监管能力的深度和六个维度的监管能力。