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Participatory Research with Museum Practitioners: A reflection on the process
Research in Science Education ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s11165-024-10167-4
Neta Shaby , Ran Peleg , Ian Coombs

This research explores the process of a Participatory Research (PR) project that brought together university researchers with museum practitioners to create reflective tools that can be used to better understand real practical challenges. This project followed Bourke’s (2009) definition of PR, viewing the process as a collaborative endeavour between researchers and practitioners in all steps of the way including project planning, research design, data collection and analysis, and distribution and application of research findings. In this project, we ran three main workshops with small group meetings in between, which were audio and video recorded and subsequently transcribed. These were then analysed to capture the PR process using James and Shaw’s (2023) Heuristic Framework as our analytical framework while using deductive and inductive techniques. Our analysis focused on understanding the dynamics between researchers and practitioners in this PR project in order to better understand how to conduct PR projects in this context. Our analysis offers a refined model that can be adapted and used with museum practitioners while identifying areas that need further attention in the process of PR. We included an important phase of reflection, and we offer recommendations for those who would like to take a PR approach in their research.



这项研究探索了参与式研究(PR)项目的过程,该项目将大学研究人员与博物馆从业者聚集在一起,创建可用于更好地理解真正的实际挑战的反思工具。该项目遵循 Bourke (2009) 对 PR 的定义,将这一过程视为研究人员和从业者之间在项目规划、研究设计、数据收集和分析以及研究成果的分发和应用等所有步骤中的协作努力。在这个项目中,我们举办了三个主要研讨会,其间举行了小组会议,对这些会议进行了音频和视频录制并随后转录。然后使用 James 和 Shaw (2023) 启发式框架作为我们的分析框架,同时使用演绎和归纳技术对这些内容进行分析,以捕获 PR 过程。我们的分析重点是了解该公关项目中研究人员和从业者之间的动态,以便更好地了解如何在此背景下开展公关项目。我们的分析提供了一个完善的模型,可以适应博物馆从业者的需要,同时确定公关过程中需要进一步关注的领域。我们纳入了一个重要的反思阶段,并为那些希望在研究中采用公关方法的人提供建议。
