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Dark energy stars in f(R,G) gravity
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-18 , DOI: 10.1142/s0219887824501780
Krishna Pada Das 1 , Ujjal Debnath 1

In this paper, we have provided a discussion regarding the structural properties of a spherical compact stellar object within the background of f(R,G) modified gravity. We have considered that the interior region of the compact stellar body is filled by a composition of anisotropic dark energy and isotropic normal matter which are assumed to be non-interacting. To relate the two stated fluids, we have considered the dark energy density directly proportional to the matter density. In particular, Krori–Barua (K–B) matric potentials are used to explore the solutions of modified field equations corresponding to f(R,G)=R+βR2+Gm. Next, we have delivered a detailed 3-dimensional graphical analysis to design physically well-behavior and stability of different parameters like energy density, individual pressure components for both dark energy and normal matter and anisotropy. Also, we have explored the stability and physical acceptability criterion by causality conditions, adiabatic index, TOV equation, and Harrison–Zeldovich–Novikov criteria. Consequently, we have discussed the violation of energy conditions for dark energy and hold the same for the normal matter. Here is an important note we have taken for three compact objects like, SAX JI808.4-3658, PSR J1614-2230, and 4U1820-30, for graphical analysis. Furthermore, we have calculated the predicted values of central density, central pressure, and surface pressure for both dark and normal matter. Finally, we concluded that our proposed dark energy stellar configuration maintains all required stability and physical acceptability criteria.


f(R,G) 引力下的暗能量星

在本文中,我们在以下背景下讨论了球形致密星体的结构特性:F,G修正重力。我们认为致密星体的内部区域充满了各向异性暗能量和各向同性正常物质的组合物,假定它们不相互作用。为了将这两种流体联系起来,我们考虑了暗能量密度与物质密度成正比。特别是,Krori-Barua (K-B) 矩阵势用于探索修正场方程对应的解F,G=+β2+G。接下来,我们提供了详细的 3 维图形分析,以设计不同参数的物理良好行为和稳定性,例如能量密度、暗能量和普通物质的各个压力分量以及各向异性。此外,我们还通过因果条件、绝热指数、TOV 方程和 Harrison-Zeldovich-Novikov 准则探索了稳定性和物理可接受性准则。因此,我们讨论了暗能量违反能量条件的问题,并且对于正常物质也同样如此。以下是我们针对 SAX JI808.4-3658、PSR J1614-2230 和 4U1820-30 等三个紧凑对象进行的重要注释,用于图形分析。此外,我们还计算了暗物质和正常物质的中心密度、中心压力和表面压力的预测值。最后,我们得出的结论是,我们提出的暗能量恒星配置保持了所有所需的稳定性和物理可接受性标准。
