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Traumatic Brain Injury and Risk of Schizophrenia and Other Non-mood Psychotic Disorders: Findings From a Large Inpatient Database in the United States
Schizophrenia Bulletin ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-18 , DOI: 10.1093/schbul/sbae047
Chintan Trivedi 1 , Preetam Reddy 2 , Abid Rizvi 3 , Karrar Husain 1 , Kimberly Brown 1 , Zeeshan Mansuri 4 , Mahamudun Nabi 1 , Shailesh Jain 1

Background Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is linked with an increased risk of schizophrenia and other non-mood psychotic disorders (psychotic disorders), but the prevalence and contributing factors of these psychiatric conditions post-TBI remain unclear. This study explores this link to identify key risk factors in TBI patients. Methods We used the 2017 National Inpatient Sample dataset. Patients with a history of TBI (n = 26 187) were identified and matched 1:1 by age and gender to controls without TBI (n = 26 187). We compared clinical and demographic characteristics between groups. The association between TBI and psychotic disorders was explored using the logistic regression analysis, and results were presented as Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). Results Psychotic disorders were significantly more prevalent in TBI patients (10.9%) vs controls (4.7%) (P < .001). Adjusted odds of psychotic disorders were 2.2 times higher for TBI patients (95% CI 2.05–2.43, P < .001). Male TBI patients had higher psychotic disorders prevalence than females (11.9% vs 8.4%). Younger age, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, personality disorders, and intellectual disability are associated with an increased risk of psychotic disorders in men. Conclusion Our study found that hospitalized TBI patients had 2.2 times higher odds of Schizophrenia non-mood psychotic disorder, indicating an association. This highlights the need for early screening of psychotic disorders and intervention in TBI patients, calling for more research.



背景 创伤性脑损伤 (TBI) 与精神分裂症和其他非情绪性精神病(精神障碍)的风险增加有关,但 TBI 后这些精神疾病的患病率和影响因素仍不清楚。本研究探讨了这种联系,以确定 TBI 患者的关键危险因素。方法 我们使用 2017 年全国住院患者样本数据集。确定有 TBI 病史的患者 (n = 26 187),并按年龄和性别 1:1 与无 TBI 的对照患者 (n = 26 187) 进行匹配。我们比较了各组之间的临床和人口统计学特征。使用逻辑回归分析探讨 TBI 和精神障碍之间的关联,结果以优势比 (OR) 和 95% 置信区间 (CI) 表示。结果 TBI 患者 (10.9%) 与对照组 (4.7%) 相比,精神障碍的患病率明显更高 (P < .001)。 TBI 患者患精神疾病的调整后几率高出 2.2 倍(95% CI 2.05–2.43,P < .001)。男性 TBI 患者的精神障碍患病率高于女性(11.9% vs 8.4%)。年龄较小、双相情感障碍、焦虑症、药物滥用、人格障碍和智力障碍与男性患精神病的风险增加有关。结论 我们的研究发现,住院 TBI 患者患精神分裂症非情绪性精神障碍的几率高出 2.2 倍,表明存在相关性。这凸显了对精神障碍进行早期筛查和对 TBI 患者进行干预的必要性,并呼吁进行更多研究。