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The Shadow of Official Development Assistance: ODA, Corruption, and the Shadow Economy in Recipients
International Studies Quarterly ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-18 , DOI: 10.1093/isq/sqae070
Chungshik Moon 1 , Youngwan Kim 2 , Da Sul Kim 3

s While the shadow economy seems to have both positive and negative effects on a country’s macroeconomy, almost all governments have attempted to control the shadow economy to prevent the loss of tax revenues and the attendant impact on the government budget. Even though official development assistance (ODA) has no formal link with the shadow economy, we often observe a relationship between the two in recipient countries. We argue that ODA can increase the size of the shadow economy in recipient countries through both government and individual-level flows of ODA to the shadow economy. We analyzed data on the shadow economies of 107 ODA recipients from 1990 to 2018 using both fixed effect and Driscoll–Kraay estimators. The results show that recipients receiving a higher volume of ODA are more likely to have a larger shadow economy. Moreover, the relationship between ODA and the shadow economy is stronger in more corrupt recipients. We dealt with endogeneity issues using the generalized method of moments, which supported our findings.



虽然影子经济似乎对一个国家的宏观经济既有积极影响也有消极影响,但几乎所有政府都试图控制影子经济,以防止税收损失和随之而来的对政府预算的影响。尽管官方发展援助 (ODA) 与影子经济没有正式的联系,但我们经常在受援国观察到两者之间的关系。我们认为,官方发展援助可以通过政府和个人层面向影子经济流动官方发展援助来扩大受援国影子经济的规模。我们使用固定效应估计器和 Driscoll-Kraay 估计器分析了 107 年至 2018 年 107 个 ODA 接受者的影子经济数据。结果表明,收到更多 ODA 的接收者更有可能拥有更大的影子经济。此外,官方发展援助与影子经济之间的关系在腐败程度更高的接受者中更为强烈。我们使用广义矩法处理内生性问题,这支持了我们的发现。