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Curating Virality: Exploring Curated Logics Within #BlackLivesMatter on Twitter/X
Social Media + Society ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-18 , DOI: 10.1177/20563051241242799
Yiran Duan 1 , Jeff Hemsley 1 , Alexander O. Smith 1 , Una Joh 1 , LaVerne Gray 1 , Christy Khoury 1

This study examines what types of messages users posted and spread about #Black/Blue/AllLivesMatter during the Black History Month of 2022. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods, about one million tweets were analyzed to test if different levels of opinion leaders tend to spread different kinds of messages related to the context. Using the curation logic of Thorson and Well and Lakoff’s semantic theory as theoretical lenses, we offer some observations about the differences in logics (incentives and norms) that opinion leaders in our dataset might face. We find that different levels of opinion leaders shared different types of messages. The implications of this study call for strategies that foster meaningful discussions on social movements amid polarized views. The study also advocates for refining platform design to encourage the dissemination of factual information over contentious arguments and reaching a societal consensus on critical social issues, such as racial inequality and police brutality. This research contributes to updating the theory of curation logics, virality, and opinion leaders, as well as provides empirical data for the discussions of the #BlackLivesMatter social movement and its related discussions of #AllLivesMatter and #BlueLivesMatter.


策划病毒式传播:探索 Twitter/X 上#BlackLivesMatter 中的策划逻辑

本研究调查了用户在 2022 年黑人历史月期间发布和传播的有关 #Black/Blue/AllLivesMatter 的消息类型。使用定性和定量方法,分析了约 100 万条推文,以测试不同级别的意见领袖是否倾向于传播与上下文相关的不同类型的消息。使用 Thorson 和 Well 以及 Lakoff 的语义理论的策展逻辑作为理论镜头,我们对数据集中的意见领袖可能面临的逻辑(激励和规范)差异提供了一些观察。我们发现不同级别的意见领袖分享不同类型的信息。这项研究的意义在于,我们需要采取策略,在两极分化的观点中促进对社会运动的有意义的讨论。该研究还主张完善平台设计,鼓励在有争议的论点上传播事实信息,并就种族不平等和警察暴力等关键社会问题达成社会共识。这项研究有助于更新策展逻辑、病毒式传播和意见领袖的理论,并为#BlackLivesMatter社会运动的讨论及其#AllLivesMatter和#BlueLivesMatter的相关讨论提供实证数据。