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Tradwives: Right-Wing Social Media Influencers
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-18 , DOI: 10.1177/08912416241246273
Sophia Sykes 1 , Veronica Hopner 1

Globalizing anti-globalism and modernizing the anti-modern, Tradwives are communities of right-wing women who commercialize social media to commodify traditional heteronormative renditions of femininity that are equal parts ideology and aesthetic. As social media influencers, Tradwives grow social networks and expand audiences by monetizing right-wing ideologies and curating particular versions of wife and mother. A netnographic analysis designed to understand online cultures and communications was used to observe thirty-six Tradwife social media profiles over a 10-month period in 2022. Employing Koestler’s Theory of Holarchies, four key findings or “holons” comprised a holography or representation of Tradwife culture captured at a certain point in time. The Tradwife Landscape explored these women across a right-wing landscape, Cross-platform Influencers, outlined Tradwives operating across a variety of social media platforms; Feminine not Feminist, discussed Tradwives’ (anti)feminist standpoints; and The Tradwife Side-Hustle, examined the monetization of Tradwife culture. As an alive and growing ecosystem, Tradwife subculture offers supportive and empowered spaces for women wishing to take up roles as archetypal wives and mothers within highly conservative lifestyles. As agents of Tradwife subculture and wider right-wing communities, Tradwives raise important questions about gender and gendered relationships, sexuality, legal practices, public policy, and political systems. Above all else, Tradwives offer comments on the autonomy and agency women have in their everyday lives.



Tradwives 是右翼女性群体,他们将反全球化主义全球化,并将反现代主义现代化,她们将社交媒体商业化,将意识形态和审美平等的传统异性恋女性气质商品化。作为社交媒体影响者,传统妻子通过利用右翼意识形态货币化和策划特定版本的妻子和母亲来发展社交网络并扩大受众。旨在了解在线文化和传播的网络志分析被用来观察 2022 年 10 个月内的 36 个 Tradwife 社交媒体资料。采用 Koestler 的 Holarchies 理论,四个关键发现或“完整子”组成了 Tradwife 的全息或表征在某个时间点捕获的文化。 Tradwife 景观探索了右翼景观中的这些女性,跨平台影响者概述了在各种社交媒体平台上运作的 Tradwives;女性而非女权主义者,讨论了 Tradwives 的(反)女权主义立场;和 The Tradwife Side-Hustle 研究了 Tradwife 文化的货币化。作为一个活跃且不断发展的生态系统,Tradwife 亚文化为希望在高度保守的生活方式中扮演典型妻子和母亲角色的女性提供支持和赋权的空间。作为 Tradwife 亚文化和更广泛的右翼社区的代理人,Tradwives 提出了有关性别和性别关系、性行为、法律实践、公共政策和政治制度的重要问题。最重要的是,Tradwives 对女性在日常生活中的自主权和能动性提出了评论。