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Specific Phobia, Fear, and the Autism Spectrum in Children and Adolescents: Adapting OST for ASD
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s10567-024-00475-6
Thompson E Davis 1, 2 , Justine Brennan 1

Fears and phobias are a common mental health concern for youth, and particularly for autistic youth. The following review briefly summarizes the extant literature on specific phobias and specific phobias in autistic youth. The evidence base is briefly highlighted pointing to the strong base behind behavioral and cognitive-behavioral treatments and techniques. A broad discussion of key evidence-based treatment findings is presented, leading up to the impactful work of Thomas H. Ollendick in researching Öst’s One-Session Treatment (OST) with children and adolescents. OST for child specific phobias is discussed, and particular emphasis is given to this treatment’s ongoing adaptation for use with youth on the autism spectrum.


儿童和青少年的特定恐惧症、恐惧和自闭症谱系:针对 ASD 改编 OST

恐惧和恐惧症是青少年,尤其是自闭症青少年常见的心理健康问题。以下综述简要总结了现有关于特定恐惧症和自闭症青少年特定恐惧症的文献。简要强调了证据基础,指出行为和认知行为治疗和技术背后的坚实基础。对关键的基于证据的治疗结果进行了广泛的讨论,导致托马斯·H·奥伦迪克 (Thomas H. Ollendick) 在研究 Öst 的儿童和青少年一次性治疗 (OST) 方面开展了富有影响力的工作。讨论了针对儿童特定恐惧症的 OST,并特别强调了这种治疗方法正在不断适应自闭症谱系青少年的使用。
