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Assessing the Cooperating Ability of 6-Hydroxypicolinic Acid and Pyridyl-Amide Ligands in Palladium-Mediated C−H Activation
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-17 , DOI: 10.1002/ejic.202400076
Cintya Pinilla 1 , Ana Carmen Albéniz 2

The ability of 6-hydroxypicolinic acid and pyridyl amides to act as cooperating ligands in the C−H activation of arenes has been tested by independent experiments. Isolated complexes [Pd(κ2-ligand)(C6F5)py]x− (x=1, 0; ligand=6-oxidopicolinate, pyridyl-amide) were decomposed in arenes leading to the C−H activation of the latter and C6F5-arene coupling products in different amounts which allows to rank the ability of both ligands.


评估 6-羟基吡啶甲酸和吡啶酰胺配体在钯介导的 C−H 活化中的协同能力

6-羟基吡啶甲酸和吡啶酰胺在芳烃的 C−H 活化中作为协同配体的能力已通过独立实验进行了测试。分离的复合物 [Pd(κ 2 -配体)(C 6 F 5 )py] x− (x=1, 0;配体=6-氧化吡啶甲酸酯,吡啶基酰胺)在芳烃中分解,导致后者的 C−H 活化和不同量的 C 6 F 5 -芳烃偶联产物,这使得对两个配体的能力进行排名。