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Scaling up stretchable electronics
Nature Electronics ( IF 33.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-18 , DOI: 10.1038/s41928-024-01163-7
Katharina Zeissler

With the approach, the researchers — who are based at Stanford University and Tianjin University — create a stretchable 527-stage ring oscillator consisting of 1,056 transistors and 528 logic gates with operation speeds of 1 MHz, as well as an active-matrix tactile sensor array that can recognize braille. The sensor density of 2,500 units per cm2 is 10 times higher than the density of mechanical receptors in a human fingertip. Bao and colleagues also used their transistors to access and drive individual pixels of a 10 × 20 light-emitting diode (LED) matrix display that can conformally adhere to a human finger and has a refresh rate of 60 Hz. The LEDs can also maintain a stable brightness under mechanical deformation.

Original reference: Nature 627, 313–320 (2024)



通过这种方法,来自斯坦福大学和天津大学的研究人员创建了一个可拉伸的 527 级环形振荡器,由 1,056 个晶体管和 528 个逻辑门组成,运行速度为 1 MHz,以及有源矩阵触觉传感器阵列可以识别盲文。传感器密度为 2,500 个单位/cm 2 ,比人类指尖机械感受器的密度高 10 倍。 Bao 和同事还使用他们的晶体管访问和驱动 10 × 20 发光二极管 (LED) 矩阵显示器的各个像素,该显示器可以保形地粘附在人类手指上,刷新率为 60 Hz。 LED在机械变形下也能保持稳定的亮度。

原始参考文献: Nature 627 , 313–320 (2024)
