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A Challenge-based Survey of E-recruitment Recommendation Systems
ACM Computing Surveys ( IF 23.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-22 , DOI: 10.1145/3659942
Yoosof Mashayekhi 1 , Nan Li 2 , Bo Kang 2 , Jefrey Lijffijt 2 , Tijl De Bie 2

E-recruitment recommendation systems recommend jobs to job seekers and job seekers to recruiters. The recommendations are generated based on the suitability of job seekers for positions and on job seekers’ and recruiters’ preferences. Therefore, e-recruitment recommendation systems may greatly impact people’s careers. Moreover, by affecting the hiring processes of the companies, e-recruitment recommendation systems play an important role in shaping the competitive edge of companies. Hence, it seems prudent to consider what (unique) challenges there are for recommendation systems in e-recruitment. Existing surveys on this topic discuss past studies from the algorithmic perspective, e.g., by categorizing them into collaborative filtering, content-based, and hybrid methods. This survey, instead, takes a complementary, challenge-based approach. We believe this is more practical for developers facing a concrete e-recruitment design task with a specific set of challenges, and also for researchers that look for impactful research projects in this domain. In this survey, we first identify the main challenges in the e-recruitment recommendation research. Next, we discuss how those challenges have been studied in the literature. Finally, we provide future research directions that we consider most promising in the e-recruitment recommendation domain.



