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Effectiveness of repeated low-level red light in myopia prevention and myopia control
British Journal of Ophthalmology ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bjo-2023-324260
Guihua Liu 1 , Hua Rong 1 , Yipu Liu 1 , Biying Wang 1 , Bei Du 1 , Desheng Song 1 , Ruihua Wei 2

Background/aims To compare the effects of repeated low-level red light (RLRL) treatment on axial length growth and refractive error changes in myopic and premyopic children. Methods Subjects were assigned randomly to four subgroups: myopia-RLRL group (M-RL), myopia-control group (M-C), premyopia-RLRL group (PM-RL) and premyopia-control group (PM-C). Subjects in the RLRL group completed a 12-month treatment composed of a 3 min RLRL treatment session twice daily, with an interval of at least 4 hours, for 7 days per week. Visits were scheduled before and at 1-month, 3-month, 6-month, 9-month and 12-month follow-up after the treatment. Repeated-measures analysis of variance was used to compare the spherical equivalent refractive errors (SE) and axial length (AL) changes between the groups across the treatment period. Results After 12 months of treatment, in the myopia group, SE and AL changes were −0.078±0.375 D and 0.033±0.123 mm for M-RL and −0.861±0.556 D and 0.415±0.171 mm for M-C; in the premyopia group, the progression of SE and AL was −0.181±0.417 D and 0.145±0.175 mm for PM-RL and −0.521±0.436 D and 0.292±0.128 mm for PM-C. PM-RL indicated a lower myopia incidence than PM-C (2.5% vs 19.4%). Additionally, the percentage of AL shortening in the M-RL was higher than that in the PM-RL before the 9-month follow-up. Conclusion RLRL effectively delayed myopia progression in children with myopia and reduced the incidence of myopia in premyopic children. Moreover, RLRL exhibited a stronger impact on myopic children compared with premyopic individuals. Data are available upon reasonable request. Data and materials are available upon request from the corresponding author at rwei@tmu.edu.cn.



背景/目的 比较重复低强度红光 (RLRL) 治疗对近视和近视儿童眼轴增长和屈光不正变化的影响。方法受试者被随机分为四个亚组:近视-RLRL组(M-RL)、近视-对照组(MC)、早近视-RLRL组(PM-RL)和早近视-对照组(PM-C)。 RLRL 组的受试者完成了为期 12 个月的治疗,其中包括每天两次每次 3 分钟的 RLRL 治疗,间隔至少 4 小时,每周 7 天。在治疗前和治疗后1个月、3个月、6个月、9个月和12个月的随访中安排访视。使用重复测量方差分析来比较治疗期间各组之间的球面等效屈光不正(SE)和眼轴长度(AL)的变化。结果 治疗12个月后,近视组SE和AL变化为M-RL为-0.078±0.375 D和0.033±0.123 mm,MC为-0.861±0.556 D和0.415±0.171 mm;在早视组中,PM-RL的SE和AL的进展为-0.181±0.417 D和0.145±0.175 mm,PM-C的SE和AL的进展为-0.521±0.436 D和0.292±0.128 mm。 PM-RL 的近视发生率低于 PM-C(2.5% vs 19.4%)。此外,在 9 个月的随访之前,M-RL 中 AL 缩短的百分比高于 PM-RL 中的。结论 RLRL可有效延缓近视儿童近视加深,降低早视儿童近视发生率。此外,与近视前个体相比,RLRL 对近视儿童的影响更大。数据可根据合理要求提供。数据和材料可向通讯作者索取,邮箱:rwei@tmu.edu.cn。