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A quantum-secure certificateless aggregate signature protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks
Vehicular Communications ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.vehcom.2024.100775
Yongfei Huang , Guangxia Xu , Xiaoling Song , Yong Liu , Qiuyan Wang

Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have revolutionized communication between vehicles and infrastructure, notably enhancing traffic management and passenger safety. However, VANETs are vulnerable to security threats, especially regarding data authenticity. Aggregate signature is a powerful technique that reduces computational and communication burdens by aggregating multiple signatures from different signers into a single signature. Traditional aggregate signature schemes, based on large prime number decomposition and the discrete logarithm problem, cannot effectively resist quantum attacks. This paper introduces a novel quantum secure certificateless aggregate signature (QSCLAS) scheme designed to enhance data security and privacy in VANETs. Our proposed scheme employs the number theory research unit (NTRU) algorithm. As a lattice-based cryptographic algorithm, NTRU is renowned for its security against quantum computer attacks, making it an essential component of our quantum-secure solution. By eliminating the need for expensive bilinear pairing operations, our proposed scheme achieves high efficiency and practicality in resource-limited VANETs environments. The security analysis demonstrates our scheme's resilience against both Type-I and Type-II adversaries in the random oracle model under the small integer solution (SIS) problem on the NTRU lattice. Furthermore, compared with existing approaches, the results illustrate that our proposed scheme offers significant advantages in signature generation and verification cost, as well as lower transmission overhead than other lattice-based schemes, thereby making it highly suitable for VANETs environments.



车辆自组织网络 (VANET) 彻底改变了车辆和基础设施之间的通信,特别是增强了交通管理和乘客安全。然而,车载自组织网络很容易受到安全威胁,特别是在数据真实性方面。聚合签名是一种强大的技术,可通过将来自不同签名者的多个签名聚合为单个签名来减少计算和通信负担。传统的聚合签名方案基于大素数分解和离散对数问题,无法有效抵抗量子攻击。本文介绍了一种新颖的量子安全无证书聚合签名(QSCLAS)方案,旨在增强 VANET 中的数据安全性和隐私性。我们提出的方案采用数论研究单元(NTRU)算法。作为一种基于格的加密算法,NTRU 以其抵御量子计算机攻击的安全性而闻名,这使其成为我们量子安全解决方案的重要组成部分。通过消除对昂贵的双线性配对操作的需要,我们提出的方案在资源有限的 VANET 环境中实现了高效率和实用性。安全性分析证明了我们的方案在 NTRU 网格上的小整数解 (SIS) 问题下的随机预言模型中对抗 I 型和 II 型对手的弹性。此外,与现有方法相比,结果表明我们提出的方案在签名生成和验证成本方面具有显着优势,并且比其他基于格的方案具有更低的传输开销,从而使其非常适合 VANET 环境。