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One British Archive: Seeing the Rev. John Clifford Archives and the Gender of Passive Resistance
Journal of British Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-17 , DOI: 10.1017/jbr.2024.56
Seth Koven

This article discusses the archives of Westbourne Park Baptist Church in London and its world-renowned pastor in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Dr. John Clifford. As leader of the National Passive Resistance League, the fiery Clifford came to be synonymous with the Nonconformist conscience at the height of its political influence in the early twentieth century. The article foregrounds the tension between what I call archival intimacy and archival precarity, while analyzing the power of seeing the diverse photographs in this collection as evidence of the gendered politics of passive resistance in the early twentieth century. Some— though not all—of the collection that I consulted at Westbourne Park Baptist Church in 2016 has now been transferred to the Angus Library, Regent's Park College, Oxford.



本文讨论了伦敦韦斯特伯恩公园浸信会教堂及其十九世纪和二十世纪初世界著名的牧师约翰·克利福德博士的档案。作为全国被动抵抗联盟的领导人,脾气暴躁的克利福德在二十世纪初期的政治影响力达到顶峰时,成为了非国教徒良心的代名词。这篇文章突出了我所说的档案亲密性和档案不稳定之间的紧张关系,同时分析了将这一系列照片中的不同照片视为二十世纪初被动抵抗的性别政治证据的力量。我 2016 年在韦斯特伯恩公园浸信会教堂查阅的部分藏品(尽管不是全部)现已转移到牛津摄政公园学院安格斯图书馆。