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Methods to treat industrial salted waste: a review
Environmental Chemistry Letters ( IF 15.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s10311-024-01721-7
Xiuxiu Ruan , Min Song , Zhihao Fang , Hao Wang , Chaoyang Zhang , Weidong Chen

The rising production of industrial salted waste induces issues of disposal and pollution, calling for advanced methods to treat, purify and recycle the raw salt in the context of the circular economy. The main components of salted waste are organic and mineral fractions. Here we review the methods used to treat salted waste with focus on sources of salted waste, properties and removal of organic matter, and separation of minerals. Organic matter can be removed by pyrolysis carbonization, high-temperature melting, elution, and oxidation. Salt can be separated by evaporative crystallization, salt washing, and nanofiltration.



