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Preliminary translation of ‘Reducing Disability in Alzheimer's Disease’ among individuals with intellectual disabilities and caregiver dyads
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-16 , DOI: 10.1111/jar.13239
Lauren T Ptomey 1 , Kelli Barton 2 , Emma Swinford 2 , Amy Bodde 1 , Amanda George 3 , Anna M Gorczyca 1 , C Michelle Niedens 4 , Susan C Sprague 5 , Amy Yeager 4 , Brian Helsel 4 , Linda Teri 6 , Eric D Vidoni 4 , Jaime Perales-Puchalt 4

BackgroundThe Reducing Disability in Alzheimer's Disease in Kansas City (RDAD‐KC) intervention has been shown to improve the health of individuals with dementia and caregiver dyads. This manuscript reports the results of implementing the RDAD among individuals with intellectual disabilities and caregiver dyads.MethodsNine community agencies deployed the 12‐week intervention. We assessed changes in individuals with intellectual disabilities' behavioural symptom related severity and physical activity, and caregivers' behavioural symptom‐related distress, unmet needs, and caregiver strain.ResultsForty‐four dyads enrolled, and 23 (~60 years, 48% female) completed ≥75% of the intervention. We observed decreases in behavioural symptom related severity (p = .07) and increases in physical activity (p = .20) among individuals with intellectual disabilities. We also observed decreases in behavioural symptom related distress (p = .14), unmet needs (p = .50), and caregiver strain (p = .50) among caregivers.ConclusionsThe RDAD‐KC intervention showed promising, although statistically non‐significant, benefits among individuals with intellectual disabilities and their caregivers.



背景 堪萨斯城减少阿尔茨海默病残疾 (RDAD-KC) 干预措施已被证明可以改善痴呆症患者和护理人员的健康状况。本手稿报告了在智障人士和看护者二人组中实施 RDAD 的结果。方法九个社区机构部署了为期 12 周的干预措施。我们评估了智障人士与行为症状相关的严重程度和体力活动的变化,以及照顾者与行为症状相关的痛苦、未满足的需求和照顾者的压力。结果 44 人入组,其中 23 人(约 60 岁,48% 女性)完成了≥75%的干预。我们观察到行为症状相关严重程度有所下降( p = .07) 和体力活动的增加 ( p = .20) 在智力障碍人士中。我们还观察到行为症状相关的痛苦有所减少( p = .14),未满足的需求( p = .50),以及护理人员应变 ( p = .50) 在照护者中。结论 RDAD-KC 干预措施显示出对智障人士及其照护者有希望的益处,尽管统计上不显着。