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Modification of Visible-Light-Responsive Pb2Ti2O5.4F1.2 with Metal Oxide Cocatalysts to Improve Photocatalytic O2 Evolution toward Z-Scheme Overall Water Splitting
ChemSusChem ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-15 , DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202400408
Yoshitaka Tamura 1 , Megumi Okazaki 1 , Hiroto Ueki 1 , Kenta Aihara 1 , Tomoki Kanazawa 2 , Dongxiao Fan 2 , Rie Haruki 2 , Akihide Iwase 3 , Shunsuke Nozawa 2 , Fumitaka Ishiwari 4, 5, 6 , Kunihisa Sugimoto 7 , Akinori Saeki 4, 5 , Kazuhiko Maeda 1, 8

Photocatalytic activity of Pb2Ti2O5.4F1.2 for water oxidation was dependent strongly on the loaded metal cocatalyst species as well as their preparation conditions. Among the cocatalysts examined, the highest activity was obtained with RuCl3-impregnated Pb2Ti2O5.4F1.2 heated under a flow of H2 at 523 K. Z-scheme overall water splitting using the optimized Ru/Pb2Ti2O5.4F1.2 was also accomplished.


用金属氧化物助催化剂修饰可见光响应型 Pb2Ti2O5.4F1.2 以改善光催化 O2 分解,实现 Z 型总体水分解

Pb 2 Ti 2 O 5.4 F 1.2对水氧化的光催化活性强烈依赖于负载的金属助催化剂种类及其制备条件。在所检测的助催化剂中,RuCl 3浸渍的 Pb 2 Ti 2 O 5.4 F 1.2在 H 2流下于 523 K 下加热获得了最高的活性。使用优化的 Ru/Pb 2 Ti 2 O 的 Z 型整体水分解5.4 F 1.2也完成了。