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A Decade after the Arab Revolutions: Reflections on the Evolution of Questions about the SWANA Region
International Review of Social History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-15 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020859024000270
Leyla Dakhli

On 17 December 2010, the self-immolation of a young street vendor in Sidi Bouzid, a town in inland Tunisia, instigated the uprisings that became known as the Arab Spring or the Arab Revolutions – a wording that I will use here as a translation from the Arabic al-thawrât al-`arabiyya. Observers were shocked at the radical protests arising in these regions, where authoritarian regimes had crushed all serious opposition over the decades. Conflicts governed by geopolitics, in particular the ongoing Israeli–Arab and Israeli–Palestinian hostilities, and the focus on political Islam and jihadism as the only globalized locus of political protest, have arrogated any attention for societies, their transformation, and their mobilization.



2010 年 12 月 17 日,突尼斯内陆小镇西迪布齐德 (Sidi Bouzid) 一名年轻街头小贩的自焚事件引发了后来被称为“阿拉伯之春”或“阿拉伯革命”的起义——我在此使用的措辞是从阿拉伯语阿拉伯报。观察家们对这些地区发生的激进抗议活动感到震惊,几十年来,独裁政权镇压了所有严重的反对派。地缘政治冲突,特别是以色列-阿拉伯和以色列-巴勒斯坦持续不断的敌对行动,以及对政治伊斯兰和圣战主义作为唯一全球化政治抗议场所的关注,已经剥夺了对社会及其转型和动员的任何关注。