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Redox imbalance accompanies loss of viability in seeds of two cacti species buried in situ
Seed Science Research ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-15 , DOI: 10.1017/s0960258524000011
David A. Guzmán-Hernández , Claudia Barbosa-Martínez , Juan M. Villa-Hernández , Laura J. Pérez-Flores

This work provides insights into the deterioration of cacti seeds of Escontria chiotilla (F.A.C. Weber ex K. Schum) and Stenocereus pruinosus (Otto ex Pfeiff.) Buxbaum stored ex situ at 25 °C, under dry and dark conditions or buried in situ conditions in a xerophytic shrubland. Viability, germination speed, electrolyte leakage and indicators of the redox balance including glutathione content, glutathione half-cell reduction potential (EGSSG/2GSH) and malondialdehyde (MDA), oxidized protein content, together with water-soluble antioxidant enzyme activity were assessed. Over a period of two years of storage, viability was maintained when seeds were stored ex situ at 7–9% water content compared to seeds buried in the soil. A second burial experiment showed that seeds of E. chiotilla maintained viability during a year of storage that included a rainy season followed by a dry season. Thereafter, they died rapidly during the second rainy season. In contrast, those of S. pruinosus started to lose viability after 6 months of burial at the end of the rainy season and were mostly dead at the end of the dry season. This difference in persistence between species was related to a difference in the glutathione content and antioxidant enzyme activities. In both storage experiments, the loss of viability of both species was associated to a EGSSG/2GSH shift to a more oxidative state during burial. Yet, contents in MDA and oxidized soluble proteins were not related to redox imbalance and loss of viability, indicating that these compounds are not good markers of oxidative stress in cacti seeds during storage.



这项工作提供了有关仙人掌种子恶化的见解七叶藻(FAC Weber ex K. Schum)和粉红窄角藻(奥托·前·普法伊夫。)Buxbaum 存储易地25°C、干燥避光条件下或埋地就地旱生灌木丛中的条件。活力、发芽速度、电解质渗漏和氧化还原平衡指标,包括谷胱甘肽含量、谷胱甘肽半电池还原电位 (EGSSG/2GSH)和丙二醛(MDA)、氧化蛋白质含量以及水溶性抗氧化酶活性进行了评估。经过两年的储存,种子储存时仍保持活力易地与埋在土壤中的种子相比,含水量为 7-9%。第二次埋葬实验表明,基奥蒂拉在一年的储存期间(包括雨季和旱季)保持活力。此后,他们在第二个雨季迅速死亡。相比之下,那些灰白链球菌在雨季结束时埋藏6个月后开始失去生存能力,在旱季结束时大部分死亡。物种之间持久性的差异与谷胱甘肽含量和抗氧化酶活性的差异有关。在这两个储存实验中,两个物种活力的丧失都与 E 相关。GSSG/2GSH在埋葬过程中转变为氧化程度更高的状态。然而,MDA 和氧化可溶性蛋白的含量与氧化还原失衡和活力丧失无关,表明这些化合物不是仙人掌种子在储藏过程中氧化应激的良好标志物。