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Loading of redox-active metal Fe largely enhances the capacity of biochar to mitigate soil N2O emissions by promoting complete denitrification
Biology and Fertility of Soils ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s00374-024-01823-y
Dan Yuan , Ping Wu , Jiao Yuan , Zhifen Jia , Chunsheng Hu , Tim J. Clough , Nicole Wrage-Mönnig , Jiafa Luo , Jiahuan Tang , Shuping Qin

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a critical greenhouse gas and an ozone-depleting substance, with a global warming potential 298–310 times greater than that of CO2. Mitigating N2O emissions from soils has environmental benefits. Recent research indicates that biochar can serve as an “electron shuttle” to reduce N2O emissions from soils. Electron shuttle is defined as organic molecules capable of reversibly receiving and donating electrons. Thus, biochar is expected to facilitate stepwise reduction of denitrification products, reducing N2O to environmentally harmless N2. However, it remains uncertain whether biochar’s capacity to mitigate N2O can be enlarged by augmenting its function as an electron shuttle. Thus, this study prepared a biochar with enhanced electron shuttle potential by loading redox-active (Fe) onto biochar. The effectiveness of this biochar in mitigating soil N2O emissions was investigated by incorporating it into the soil. The results showed that Fe-loaded biochar significantly augmented its function as an electron shuttle and dramatically reduced soil N2O emissions by 92% compared to the original biochar. The degree of decrease in N2O emissions was strongly associated with both the electron shuttle capacity and the concentration of redox-active Fe in the biochar. Additionally, Fe-loaded biochar significantly decreased the N2O/(N2O + N2) emission ratio and increased the expression of the nosZ-II gene. Our findings suggest that redox-active Fe loading in biochar is an effective strategy to enhance its electron shuttle function. The augmented electron shuttle function of biochar can successfully facilitate N2O mitigation emission by promoting complete denitrification.



一氧化二氮 (N 2 O) 是一种重要的温室气体和臭氧消耗物质,其全球变暖潜力是 CO 2的 298-310 倍。减少土壤中的 N 2 O 排放具有环境效益。最近的研究表明,生物炭可以作为“电子穿梭机”来减少土壤中的N 2 O 排放。电子穿梭被定义为能够可逆地接收和给予电子的有机分子。因此,生物炭有望促进反硝化产物的逐步还原,将N 2 O还原为对环境无害的N 2。然而,生物炭减轻N 2 O的能力是否可以通过增强其作为电子穿梭机的功能来增强仍不确定。因此,本研究通过在生物炭上负载氧化还原活性(Fe)来制备具有增强电子穿梭电势的生物炭。通过将这种生物炭掺入土壤中,研究了其在减少土壤 N 2 O 排放方面的有效性。结果表明,与原始生物炭相比,载铁生物炭显着增强了其作为电子穿梭的功能,并使土壤 N 2 O 排放量显着减少了 92%。 N 2 O排放量的减少程度与生物炭中的电子穿梭能力和氧化还原活性Fe的浓度密切相关。此外,负载Fe的生物炭显着降低了N 2 O/(N 2 O + N 2 )排放比并增加了nosZ-II基因的表达。我们的研究结果表明,在生物炭中负载氧化还原活性铁是增强其电子穿梭功能的有效策略。生物炭增强的电子穿梭功能可以通过促进完全反硝化成功地促进N 2 O减排。
