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How does occupational stigma and work dirtiness inhibit hotel front-line employees’ proactive customer service performance and its solutions
Tourism Management ( IF 10.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2024.104932
Xingyang Lv , Kexin Zhang , Qi Song , Xiaoxiao Fu , Yue Liu

Hotels strongly call for proactive customer service performance from their employees. However, two critical stressors - occupational stigma and work dirtiness - can harm employees' proactive performance. This study investigated the impact of these stressors on employees' proactive customer service performance and potential solutions from the external resource replenishment aspect of organizations and customers. The results showed that occupational stigma and perceived work dirtiness can inhibit front-line employees’ proactive customer service performance by increasing their face concern and decreasing self-esteem. Additionally, this study found that organizations and customers can play a helpful role in mitigating the negative outcome of these stressors on front-line employees. Specifically, organizational monetary compensation and spiritual support can help alleviate the negative consequences of either occupational stigma or work dirtiness, while customer compliments are effective for dealing with both stressors. Based on the findings, this study provided theoretical contributions, practical implications, and suggestions for potential research.


