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This is me! Neural correlates of self-recognition in 6- to 8-month-old infants
Child Development ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-13 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14102
Silvia Rigato 1 , Rita De Sepulveda 1 , Eleanor Richardson 1 , Maria Laura Filippetti 1

Historically, evidence of self-recognition in development has been associated with the “rouge test”; however, this has been often criticized for providing a reductionist picture of self-conscious behavior. With two event-related potential (ERP) experiments, this study investigated the origin of self-recognition. Six- to eight-month-old infants (42 males and 35 females, predominately White, tested in the UK in 2022–2023) were presented with images of their face, another peer's face, and their mother's face (N = 38, Exp.1), and images of their own face morphed into another peer's face (N = 39, Exp.2). Results showed an enhanced P100 in infants' ERP response to their own face compared to others' faces (Exp.1 only), suggesting the presence of an enhanced attentional mechanism to one own's face as early as 6 months.


这就是我! 6至8个月大婴儿自我识别的神经相关性

从历史上看,发展过程中自我认知的证据一直与“胭脂测试”联系在一起。然而,这经常受到批评,因为它提供了自我意识行为的简化图景。本研究通过两个事件相关电位(ERP)实验,调查了自我认知的起源。向 6 至 8 个月大的婴儿(42 名男性和 35 名女性,主要是白人,2022 年至 2023 年在英国进行的测试)展示了他们的脸部、另一位同龄人的脸部以及他们母亲的脸部图像( N = 38,Exp .1),并且他们自己的脸部图像演变成另一个同伴的脸部( N = 39,Exp.2)。结果显示,与其他人的面部相比,婴儿对自己面部的 ERP 反应的 P100 增强(仅实验 1),这表明早在 6 个月大时,就存在对自己面部的增强的注意力机制。