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The case for a climate bonus: waste pickers’ perceptions of climate change in Minas Gerais
Environment and Urbanization ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-12 , DOI: 10.1177/09562478241230813
Sonia Maria Dias , Vanesa Castán Broto , Breno Cypriano , Ana Carolina Ogando , Juliana Gonçalves

While the work of waste pickers advances urban sustainability, there has been little focus on how climate change impacts affect them. This paper reports on a pilot study with 61 waste pickers in Minas Gerais, Brazil to understand their perspectives on climate change impacts and actions. It explores how waste pickers experience climate change impacts at home and at work, their adaptive strategies and the specific actions and actors needed to address these impacts.Waste pickers have practical knowledge and experience of climate events. But due to precarious employment and lack of access to services, infrastructure and social support, their responses are improvised and inefficient. They require better institutional support and their proposals must be incorporated into a negotiated approach to urban resilience. Proposals such as the climate bonus – similar to the existing recycling bonus – may help address the structural drivers of vulnerability for waste pickers in Minas Gerais.



虽然拾荒者的工作促进了城市的可持续发展,但很少有人关注气候变化对他们的影响。本文报道了对巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州 61 名垃圾捡拾者进行的试点研究,以了解他们对气候变化影响和行动的看法。它探讨了拾荒者如何在家庭和工作中经历气候变化的影响、他们的适应策略以及解决这些影响所需的具体行动和行动者。拾荒者拥有气候事件的实践知识和经验。但由于就业不稳定以及缺乏服务、基础设施和社会支持,他们的应对措施是临时的且低效的。他们需要更好的机构支持,他们的建议必须纳入经协商的城市韧性方法中。气候奖金等提案(类似于现有的回收奖金)可能有助于解决米纳斯吉拉斯州拾荒者脆弱性的结构性驱动因素。