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College Faculty Experiences With Student Disclosures of Victimization
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-12 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241243347
Alison C Cares 1 , Arelys Madero-Hernandez 2 , Lisa Growette Bostaph 3 , Bonnie S Fisher 4

Victimization of college students is widespread, and it is not uncommon for students to disclose these experiences to faculty. Given that how faculty respond to disclosures may have implications for students’ psychosocial and academic outcomes, it is key to know more about disclosures to help faculty prepare a supportive response. This study used data from an online survey of members of two U.S.-based professional scholarly associations for criminal justice and criminology ( N = 637) to look at the nature of student disclosure of victimization and which faculty are more likely to receive such disclosures. Disclosure to faculty was widespread (87% of faculty had received at least one disclosure of victimization from a student), and disclosures were mostly made in person. Over half the time (52.3%), participants thought the disclosure was prompted by an incident in class or another aspect of the course, and more than a quarter of the time (28.8%), the disclosure came from a student in a course that utilized trigger warnings. A faculty member’s individual identities, such as gender or race and ethnicity, did not appear to render them more or less likely to receive student disclosures. However, faculty with victimization experiences who had links to victim services organizations, who were teaching in a Sociology department, or who had been teaching longer were more likely to have received a disclosure. Graduate student instructors were less likely to have received a disclosure, even controlling for years of teaching. This suggests widespread training of college-level instructors in how to respond to a student’s disclosure of victimization may be warranted, at least for faculty teaching courses focusing on criminology and criminal justice.



大学生受害的情况很普遍,学生向教师透露这些经历的情况并不少见。鉴于教师对信息披露的反应可能会对学生的社会心理和学业成绩产生影响,因此了解更多有关信息披露的信息以帮助教师准备支持性回应至关重要。这项研究使用了对美国两个刑事司法和犯罪学专业学术协会成员 (N = 637) 的成员进行的在线调查数据,以了解学生披露受害情况的性质以及哪些教师更有可能收到此类披露。向教师披露的情况很普遍(87% 的教师至少收到过一名学生关于受害事件的披露),而且大多是亲自披露的。超过一半的时间(52.3%),参与者认为披露是由课堂上的事件或课程的其他方面引起的,超过四分之一的时间(28.8%),披露来自课程中的学生利用触发警告。教职人员的个人身份,例如性别或种族和民族,似乎并没有使他们更有可能或更少收到学生披露的信息。然而,具有受害经历、与受害者服务组织有联系、在社会学系任教或教龄较长的教师更有可能收到披露。研究生导师收到信息披露的可能性较小,即使控制多年的教学也是如此。这表明,可能有必要对大学教师进行广泛的培训,让他们了解如何应对学生披露的受害情况,至少对于教授犯罪学和刑事司法课程的教师来说是这样。