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Sustainable commodity sourcing requires measuring and governing land use change at multiple scales
Conservation Letters ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-12 , DOI: 10.1111/conl.13016
Erasmus KHJ zu Ermgassen 1 , Cécile Renier 1 , Andrea Garcia 1 , Tomás Carvalho 2 , Patrick Meyfroidt 1, 3

The increased availability of remote sensing products and new legislative agendas are driving a growing focus on farm-level traceability and monitoring to tackle commodity-driven deforestation. Here, we use data on land use change in Brazil (1985–2021) from Mapbiomas to demonstrate how analyses of the drivers of deforestation are sensitive to the scale of analysis: while pixel- or property-level analyses identify proximate drivers of deforestation, analyses at larger scales (subnational regions or countries) capture more complex land use dynamics, including indirect land use change. We argue that initiatives which seek to monitor and address commodity-driven deforestation—such as the European Union's deforestation due-diligence regulation and the World Business Council on Sustainable Development's Greenhouse Gas Protocol—must be conscient of these wider land use dynamics. Only by measuring progress and defining success at multiple scales can initiatives for sustainable commodity sourcing create the right mix of incentives for addressing deforestation.



遥感产品可用性的增加和新的立法议程正在推动人们越来越关注农场层面的可追溯性和监测,以解决商品驱动的森林砍伐问题。在这里,我们使用来自 Mapbiomas 的巴西土地利用变化数据(1985-2021 年)来展示对毁林驱动因素的分析如何对分析规模敏感:虽然像素或财产层面的分析确定了毁林的直接驱动因素,但分析在更大范围内(次国家区域或国家)捕获更复杂的土地利用动态,包括间接土地利用变化。我们认为,旨在监测和解决商品驱动的森林砍伐问题的举措(例如欧盟的森林砍伐尽职调查法规和世界可持续发展工商理事会的温室气体议定书)必须认真考虑这些更广泛的土地利用动态。只有通过衡量进展并在多个层面上定义成功,可持续商品采购举措才能为解决森林砍伐问题创造正确的激励措施。