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Negotiating faith in exile: Learning from displacements from and into Arua, North West Uganda
Global Policy ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-11 , DOI: 10.1111/1758-5899.13353
Elizabeth Storer 1

Humanitarians have recently championed faith actors as valuable resources in delivering humanitarian aid. Partnerships are increasingly promoted through international declarations and bespoke toolkits. Such approaches are abstracted from the historical and contemporary contexts through which faith is negotiated, and through which faith actors have become legitimate. This paper explores how faith has been entangled within the dynamics of two spatially connected crises: Ugandans fleeing post‐Amin reprisals in the mid‐1980s, and South Sudanese fleeing civil war from 2013. Drawing attention to the local‐structural engagements which have shaped forms of protection and the legitimacy of faith actors, this paper urges for a consideration of complexity in humanitarians' localisation calculations.



人道主义者最近支持信仰行动者作为提供人道主义援助的宝贵资源。通过国际声明和定制工具包日益促进伙伴关系。这些方法是从历史和当代背景中抽象出来的,通过这些背景,信仰得以谈判,信仰行为者也通过这些背景变得合法。本文探讨了信仰如何与两个空间上相关的危机的动态纠缠在一起:乌干达人在 20 世纪 80 年代中期逃离后阿明时代的报复,南苏丹人从 2013 年开始逃离内战。提请人们注意塑造形式的当地结构性接触鉴于保护和信仰行为者的合法性,本文敦促考虑人道主义者本地化计算的复杂性。