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Wavelength-tuned transformation between photonic skyrmion and meron spin textures
Applied Physics Reviews ( IF 11.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-11 , DOI: 10.1063/5.0176591
Min Lin 1 , Qing Liu 2 , Huigao Duan 2, 3, 4 , Luping Du 1 , Xiaocong Yuan 1

Topological spin textures, among which skyrmions and merons are typical examples, have with their swirling vectorial structures triggered enormous interest in physical systems including elementary particles and magnetic materials. Manipulating their symmetry and topology is important for understanding the mechanisms that underlie their topological phase transformation as well as offering tunable degrees of freedom to encode information, which has already been demonstrated in magnetic materials. Recently, the photonic counterparts of skyrmions and merons were constructed in a 2D wave system with deep-subwavelength features promising for optical sensing, imaging, and information decoding. However, their experimental realization relied on stringent excitation conditions that only support a single spin texture type on a specific structure. Here, we demonstrate for the first time the transformation between photonic skyrmion and meron spin lattices on the same metallic meta-surface having a well-designed structural period. We show experimentally the wavelength-tuned symmetry transformation of the photonic spin lattices, which are also found to be robust against disorder in the structure to a certain degree. This work provides new insights into controlling the electromagnetic field symmetry and topology, as well as in developing applications in spin optics and topological photonics.


