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Methylammonium Nitrate-Mediated Crystal Growth and Defect Passivation in Lead Halide Perovskite Solar Cells
ACS Energy Letters ( IF 19.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-12 , DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.4c00154
Sun-Ju Kim 1 , In Hwa Cho 2 , Thanh-Danh Nguyen 1 , Yun-Kyeong Hong 3 , Yeonju Kim 4 , Jun-Ho Yum 4 , Kevin Sivula 4 , Joonhee Kang 1 , Hui-Seon Kim 3 , Shaik M. Zakeeruddin 5 , Michael Grätzel 5 , Hyo Jung Kim 2 , Ji-Youn Seo 1

Additive engineering has been a crucial strategy to improve photovoltaic properties by reducing carrier trap centers or increasing carrier diffusion lengths in the lead halide perovskite active layer. We introduced a small amount of CH3NH3+NO3 (methylammonium nitrate, MAN) to a pristine MAPbI3 precursor solution as an agent for controlling the grain growth rate and healing iodine vacancies at grain boundaries of a perovskite film. With an addition of MAN, the larger grains were formed, confirmed by surface morphology images, and higher environmental stability was evidenced by in situ impedance spectroscopy results. For the optimized sample with an addition of 0.3 mol % MAN, high power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 20.5% (18.7% for the pristine sample) was successively demonstrated. In addition, the remnant NO3 ions were identified at the perovskite grain boundaries at room temperature and inside the unit cell at high temperature, as evidenced by results of in situ X-ray diffraction and in situ UV–visible spectroscopy measurements. Temperature dependence behaviors of the additive provide an in-depth understanding for designing and selecting additives to increase the PCE and stability of the perovskite solar cells.



增材工程已成为通过减少卤化铅钙钛矿活性层中的载流子陷阱中心或增加载流子扩散长度来提高光伏性能的关键策略。我们将少量的 CH 3 NH 3 + NO 3 (硝酸甲基铵,MAN)引入到原始的 MAPbI 3前驱体溶液中,作为控制晶粒生长速率和修复钙钛矿薄膜晶界处碘空位的试剂。添加 MAN 后,形成了更大的晶粒,表面形态图像证实了这一点,并且原位阻抗谱结果证明了更高的环境稳定性。对于添加 0.3 mol% MAN 的优化样品,相继证明了 20.5% 的高功率转换效率 (PCE)(原始样品为 18.7%)。此外,原位X射线衍射和原位紫外可见光谱测量的结果证明了室温下钙钛矿晶界处和高温下晶胞内部残留的NO 3离子。添加剂的温度依赖性行为为设计和选择添加剂以提高钙钛矿太阳能电池的PCE和稳定性提供了深入的了解。