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International students' socioeconomic affluence and staying likelihood
Population, Space and Place ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-11 , DOI: 10.1002/psp.2778
Filip Němeček 1

This paper investigates the relationship between international university students' staying likelihood and their socioeconomic affluence. It contributes to a literature that explores the role of socioeconomic differences in selection into international student mobility, but rarely considers their association with the staying likelihood. The analysis is based on a primary data set of 3205 observations collected among international students at 27 universities in the United Kingdom and Czechia. Several explanations, translated into hypotheses, are statistically tested, which complements the predominantly qualitative studies in the field. The results show that students with less affluent parents, defined in terms of income, are more likely to stay. A substantial part of this relationship is explained by these students placing greater emphasis on career‐related considerations when making their staying decision, as emphasizing these considerations is associated with a higher staying likelihood.



本文调查了国际大学生的留下可能性与其社会经济富裕程度之间的关系。它有助于探讨社会经济差异在国际学生流动选择中的作用,但很少考虑它们与留下可能性的关系。该分析基于从英国和捷克 27 所大学的国际学生中收集的 3205 项观察结果的主要数据集。几种解释转化为假设并经过统计检验,这补充了该领域主要的定性研究。结果显示,从收入角度来看,父母不太富裕的学生更有可能留下来。这种关系的很大一部分原因是这些学生在做出留下来的决定时更加重视与职业相关的考虑因素,因为强调这些考虑因素与更高的留下来的可能性相关。