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Exploring the synergies between collaborative robotics, digital twins, augmentation, and industry 5.0 for smart manufacturing: A state-of-the-art review
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2024.102769
Muhammad Hamza Zafar , Even Falkenberg Langås , Filippo Sanfilippo

Industry 5.0 aims at establishing an inclusive, smart and sustainable production process that encourages human creativity and expertise by leveraging enhanced automation and machine intelligence. Collaborative robotics, or “cobotics”,is a major enabling technology of Industry 5.0, which aspires at improving human dexterity by elevating robots to extensions of human capabilities and, ultimately, even as team members. A pivotal element that has the potential to operate as an interface for the teaming aspiration of Industry 5.0 is the adoption of novel technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) and haptics, together known as “augmentation”. Industry 5.0 also benefit from Digital Twins (DTs), which are digital representations of a physical assets that serves as their counterpart — or twins. Another essential component of Industry 5.0 is artificial intelligence (AI), which has the potential to create a more intelligent and efficient manufacturing process. In this study, a systematic review of the state of the art is presented to explore the synergies between cobots, DTs, augmentation, and Industry 5.0 for smart manufacturing. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is the first attempt in the literature to provide a comprehensive review of the synergies between the various components of Industry 5.0. This work aims at increasing the global efforts to realize the large variety of application possibilities offered by Industry 5.0 and to provide an up-to-date reference as a stepping-stone for new research and development within this field.


探索智能制造的协作机器人、数字孪生、增强和工业 5.0 之间的协同作用:最新评论

工业 5.0 旨在建立一个包容、智能和可持续的生产流程,通过利用增强的自动化和机器智能来鼓励人类创造力和专业知识。协作机器人技术或“cobotics”是工业 5.0 的一项主要使能技术,旨在通过将机器人提升为人类能力的延伸,甚至最终成为团队成员,从而提高人类的灵活性。虚拟现实 (VR)、增强现实 (AR)、混合现实 (MR) 和触觉等新技术的采用,有可能成为工业 5.0 团队愿景的界面,这些技术统称为“ “增强”。工业 5.0 还受益于数字孪生 (DT),数字孪生是作为其对应物(或孪生)的实物资产的数字表示。工业 5.0 的另一个重要组成部分是人工智能 (AI),它有潜力创造更智能、更高效的制造流程。在本研究中,对最新技术进行了系统回顾,以探索智能制造领域的协作机器人、DT、增强和工业 5.0 之间的协同作用。据作者所知,这是文献中首次尝试对工业 5.0 各个组成部分之间的协同作用进行全面回顾。这项工作旨在加大全球努力,实现工业 5.0 提供的各种应用可能性,并提供最新的参考作为该领域新研究和开发的基石。