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Expression of Concern: Protease-activated receptor-2 promotes kidney tubular epithelial inflammation by inhibiting autophagy via the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signalling pathway
Biochemical Journal ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-10 , DOI: 10.1042/bcj20170272_eoc
Chunyang Du , Tao Zhang , Xia Xiao , Yonghong Shi , Huijun Duan , Yunzhuo Ren

The Editorial Office has been made aware of potential issues surrounding the scientific validity of this paper, hence has issued an expression of concern to notify readers whilst the Editorial Office investigates. It has been noted that there seems to be a partial duplication between Figure 4C PAR2-OE control panel and Figure 4E Si-NC MHY1485 panel, as well as a duplication between Figure 7B Sham and UUO+rapa panels.



编辑部已意识到有关本文科学有效性的潜在问题,因此在编辑部进行调查时发出了一份关注通知读者。值得注意的是,图 4C PAR2-OE 控制面板和图 4E Si-NC MHY1485 面板之间似乎存在部分重复,图 7B Sham 和 UUO+rapa 面板之间似乎存在部分重复。