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Unorthodox Information Sources of Coping With the COVID-19 Crisis in the Ultra-Orthodox Society
Social Science Computer Review ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-10 , DOI: 10.1177/08944393241246282
David Levine 1 , Tali Gazit 2

This study examines the role of information sources in the ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) Jewish community’s coping with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Israel by comparing their use of digital versus traditional information platforms. The study examined coping with COVID-19, considering explanatory variables such as Community Sense of Coherence (C-SOC), Internet usage, and other demographic variables. Using an online survey, 212 participants responded who identified as ultra-Orthodox and had access to the Internet, of which 47.2% were women and 52.8% were men, with a mean age of 37.66 ( SD = 12.60). Findings showed that the emotional and cognitive coping levels of members of ultra-Orthodox society with COVID-19 utilizing digital information sources were significantly better than those among community members using traditional information sources. Furthermore, the more the Internet was used for information or social needs, the more digital information sources helped community members cope with the crisis from an emotional and cognitive viewpoint. Conversely, the more participants felt that ultra-Orthodox society is a significant factor that helps them face life’s challenges (C-SOC), the better they coped with the pandemic utilizing traditional information sources. This study presents a novel, previously unstudied approach to ultra-Orthodox society’s coping methods with a worldwide crisis, whether through digital or traditional information sources. The study’s findings emphasize the need to make reliable and timely digital information accessible to this community, especially during a crisis, while respecting the culture and values of ultra-Orthodox society.


极端正统社会应对 COVID-19 危机的非正统信息来源

本研究通过比较极端正统犹太教 (Haredi) 犹太社区对数字信息平台和传统信息平台的使用情况,探讨了信息源在以色列应对冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 大流行中的作用。该研究考察了应对 COVID-19 的方法,考虑了社区凝聚力 (C-SOC)、互联网使用情况和其他人口统计变量等解释变量。通过在线调查,212 名被认定为极端正统派且能够上网的参与者做出了回应,其中 47.2% 为女性,52.8% 为男性,平均年龄为 37.66 岁(SD = 12.60)。调查结果表明,使用数字信息源的 COVID-19 极端正统社会成员的情感和认知应对水平明显优于使用传统信息源的社区成员。此外,互联网用于信息或社交需求的次数越多,数字信息源就越能帮助社区成员从情感和认知的角度应对危机。相反,越多的参与者认为极端正统社会是帮助他们面对生活挑战的重要因素(C-SOC),他们就越能利用传统信息来源应对这一流行病。这项研究提出了一种新颖的、以前未被研究过的极端正统社会应对全球危机的方法,无论是通过数字还是传统信息源。该研究的结果强调,需要向该社区提供可靠、及时的数字信息,特别是在危机期间,同时尊重极端正统社会的文化和价值观。