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Artistic referencing and emergent standards of peer recognition in Hollywood, 1930–2000
Poetics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.poetic.2024.101887
Katharina Burgdorf

How does an artwork's referencing of creative content affect its peer recognition? Artists constantly seek to balance the tension between originality and conformity. Previous research argues that peers tend to reward socially well-embedded artists that signal community involvement and literacy of established conventions. Another stream of sociological research argues that the criteria for peer recognition are not fixed but depend on a cultural field's legitimacy. This paper examines the emerging and shifting standards of peer recognition throughout 70 years in U.S. American filmmaking. I ask whether and to what extent a film's referencing of artistic content from earlier films, such as snippets of dialog or camera shots, conditions its chances of being referenced. I analyze reference styles of 5,555 U.S. American movies released between 1930 and 1995 and show how artistic standards emerged during the New Hollywood movement in the 1960s. While films of the New Hollywood (1960–1979) and Blockbuster Era (1980–1995) were rewarded for signaling cultural literacy and openness in their reference styles, these standards did not apply yet to Golden Age filmmakers (1930–1959). These findings offer new insights for sociologists of culture and organizations who ask how an artwork's embeddedness into the cultural space affects its recognition by contemporary peer audiences.



艺术品对创意内容的引用如何影响其同行认可?艺术家不断寻求平衡原创性与一致性之间的张力。先前的研究认为,同龄人倾向于奖励那些融入社会的艺术家,这些艺术家标志着社区参与和对既定惯例的素养。社会学研究的另一流认为,同行认可的标准不是固定的,而是取决于文化领域的合法性。本文探讨了 70 年来美国电影制作中新兴和不断变化的同行认可标准。我问一部电影是否以及在多大程度上引用了早期电影的艺术内容,例如对话片段或摄像机镜头,决定了其被引用的机会。我分析了 1930 年至 1995 年间上映的 5,555 部美国电影的参考风格,并展示了 20 世纪 60 年代新好莱坞运动期间艺术标准是如何形成的。虽然新好莱坞(1960-1979)和大片时代(1980-1995)的电影因其参考风格中体现的文化素养和开放性而获得奖励,但这些标准尚未适用于黄金时代的电影制片人(1930-1959)。这些发现为文化社会学家和组织提供了新的见解,他们询问艺术品嵌入文化空间如何影响当代同行观众的认可。