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Decarbonising industry supply chains: Incumbent-oriented transition intermediation for industry energy transition
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2024.100843
Alexander Nordt , Rob Raven , Shirin Malekpour , Darren Sharp

Sustainability transitions literature has insufficiently explored the potentially constructive role of industry incumbents and transition intermediaries that cooperate with incumbents for industry energy transition. This study elaborates on transition intermediary functions by building on evidence from sectors where decarbonisation faces severe structural challenges and incumbency. An examination of the Australian Industry Energy Transitions Initiative suggests that transition intermediaries form coalitions with incumbents based on shared beliefs to formulate strategies such as pathways to industry decarbonisation. The case highlights the functions of transition intermediaries for coordinating learning and action by way of advocacy and use of existing expertise and political alliances. Findings suggest that incumbents in established socio-technical regimes may work with transition intermediaries to decarbonise their sectors through incremental changes to existing infrastructure and by using emerging niche technologies. However, on contested issues, incumbents may require concessions from transition intermediaries that ultimately restrain agendas for further-reaching industry energy transition.


