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Stabilizing the S-scheme ZnO/ZnCr2O4/Bi6Cr2O15 heterojunction through the application of carbon xerogel as both a solid-state mediator and reducing agent
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mssp.2024.108412
Nicolas Perciani de Moraes , Matheus Fernandes de Oliveira , Rebeca Bacani , Robson da Silva Rocha , Marcos Roberto de Vasconcelos Lanza , Liana Alvares Rodrigues

This study aims to evaluate the application of the carbonaceous material known as carbon xerogel as a solid-state mediator in the ZnO/ZnCrO/BiCrO heterojunction, aiming to stabilize the charge transfer pathway to an S-scheme configuration. Furthermore, the carbon xerogel was also chosen as a reducing agent for the formation of the proposed heterojunction under high temperatures, due to the reduction of the BiCrO into Bi and CrO, with posterior formation of the ZnCrO phase through solid-state reaction with the ZnO. The photocatalytic performance of the materials was evaluated through sulfamerazine degradation under both simulated sunlight and visible light. The X-ray diffractometry and Raman spectrometry show the formation of the ZnO, ZnCrO, BiCrO and Bi phases on the composite material, as expected. Furthermore, morphological modifications were observed for the zinc oxide (ZnO) after the addition of both the carbon xerogel and bismuth-based phases, resulting in a significant enhancement of specific surface area and pore volume of the materials. Photocatalysis-wise, the composite material developed obtained the highest efficiency among the materials evaluated, as the stabilization of the S-scheme heterojunction between ZnO, ZnCrO and BiCrO by the carbon xerogel as a solid-state electron mediator and the plasmonic resonance effect provided by the metallic bismuth particles functioned towards an increase in the photocurrent generation capacity and charge carrier lifetime during photonic excitation. The hydroxyl radical was defined as the major species involved in the degradation of the sulfamerazine, indicating the successful stabilization of the S-scheme charge transport pathway between the proposed components of the photocatalyst.



本研究旨在评估碳质材料(碳干凝胶)作为固态介体在 ZnO/ZnCrO/BiCrO 异质结中的应用,旨在稳定 S 型结构的电荷转移路径。此外,由于 BiCrO 被还原成 Bi 和 CrO,随后通过与 ZnO 发生固态反应形成 ZnCrO 相,因此还选择碳干凝胶作为在高温下形成异质结的还原剂。 。通过模拟太阳光和可见光下磺胺甲基嘧啶的降解来评估材料的光催化性能。 X 射线衍射和拉曼光谱显示复合材料上形成了 ZnO、ZnCrO、BiCrO 和 Bi 相,正如预期的那样。此外,在添加碳干凝胶和铋基相后,观察到氧化锌(ZnO)的形态发生变化,导致材料的比表面积和孔体积显着增加。在光催化方面,所开发的复合材料在评估的材料中获得了最高的效率,因为碳干凝胶作为固态电子介体稳定了 ZnO、ZnCrO 和 BiCrO 之间的 S 型异质结,并且由金属铋颗粒在光子激发过程中起到增加光电流产生能力和载流子寿命的作用。羟基自由基被定义为参与磺胺甲基嘧啶降解的主要物质,表明所提出的光催化剂组分之间的S型电荷传输路径成功稳定。