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Printing and Bookselling in Rodez, 1624–1820: An Essay in Socio-Cultural History
European History Quarterly ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-09 , DOI: 10.1177/02656914241236652
Peter R. Campbell 1

This article focuses on the history of the Rodez printing firm in provincial France from 1624 to 1820 (although the firm ran until 1984). In contrast to the world of clandestine printing and bookselling, very little is known about the lives of ordinary sedentary printers in ancien-régime France. The paper is organized in three parts and considers the following issues. How did the firm operate, who worked in it, what training was required, and what was produced? How did this change over time? Secondly, this was a family firm, so we may ask how was it kept in the family, and how did the family fare as it made a living out of printing? Here we have an insight into the history of an artisan family over nearly 200 years, the ascension of an artisanal family to the level of respectable bourgeoisie. The third area considered is the possible contribution to understanding the cultural world of a provincial town. The firm printed and sold books, and account books and order books give us further information, though of a fragmentary nature. From this it is possible to raise questions about recent research on the starkly contrasting world of Enlightenment bestsellers.


罗德兹的印刷和图书销售,1624 年至 1820 年:社会文化史论文

本文重点介绍法国省罗德兹印刷公司从 1624 年到 1820 年的历史(尽管该公司一直经营到 1984 年)。与秘密印刷和书籍销售的世界相比,人们对旧制度法国普通久坐印刷商的生活知之甚少。本文分为三个部分,并考虑以下问题。公司如何运作、谁在其中工作、需要哪些培训以及生产什么?随着时间的推移,这种情况发生了怎样的变化?其次,这是一家家族企业,所以我们可能会问,它是如何保留在家族中的,家族靠印刷谋生的情况如何?在这里,我们了解了一个工匠世家近200年的历史,一个工匠世家上升到受人尊敬的资产阶级层面的历程。第三个考虑的领域是对理解省城文化世界的可能贡献。该公司印刷和销售书籍、账簿和订单簿为我们提供了进一步的信息,尽管这些信息是零散的。由此可以对启蒙畅销书截然不同的世界的最新研究提出疑问。