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Can small bowel obstruction during pregnancy be treated with conservative management? A review
World Journal of Emergency Surgery ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-10 , DOI: 10.1186/s13017-024-00541-y
Xiao Shuang Ling 1 , Wei Cheng Anthony Brian Tian 2 , Goran Augustin 3 , Fausto Catena 4

Small bowel obstruction can occur during pregnancy, which, if missed, can lead to dire consequences for both the mother and foetus. Management of this condition usually requires surgical intervention. However, only a small number of patients are treated conservatively. The objective was to review the literature to determine the feasibility of conservative management for small bowel obstruction. A systematic search of the PubMed and Embase databases was performed using the keywords [small bowel obstruction AND pregnancy]. All original articles were then reviewed and included in this review if deemed suitable. Conservative management of small bowel obstruction in pregnant women is feasible if the patient is clinically stable and after ruling out bowel ischaemia and closed-loop obstruction.



怀孕期间可能会发生小肠梗阻,如果漏诊,可能会给母亲和胎儿带来可怕的后果。这种情况的治疗通常需要手术干预。然而,只有少数患者接受保守治疗。目的是回顾文献以确定小肠梗阻保守治疗的可行性。使用关键词[小肠梗阻和妊娠]对 PubMed 和 Embase 数据库进行系统检索。然后对所有原始文章进行审查,并在认为合适的情况下将其纳入本次审查中。如果患者临床情况稳定并且在排除肠缺血和闭环梗阻后,对孕妇小肠梗阻进行保守治疗是可行的。