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Numerical simulation of resistance furnaces by using distributed and lumped models
Advances in Computational Mathematics ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10444-024-10120-z
A. Bermúdez , D. Gómez , D. González

This work proposes a methodology that combines distributed and lumped models to simulate the current distribution within an indirect heat resistance furnace and, in particular, to calculate the current to be supplied for achieving a desired power output. The distributed model is a time-harmonic eddy current problem, which is solved numerically using the finite element method. The lumped model relies on calculating a reduced impedance associated with an equivalent circuit model. Numerical simulations and plant measurements demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach. The good correlation between the results indicates that this approximation is well-suited to support the design and improve the efficiency of the furnace in a short time.



