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Reduction of Monoclinic HfO2: A Cascading Migration of Oxygen and Its Interplay with a High Electric Field
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-10-21 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b06913
Boubacar Traoré 1, 2, 3, 4 , Philippe Blaise 3, 4 , Benoît Sklénard 3, 4

Using density functional theory, we investigated the formation of an extended Frenkel pair (EFP) in monoclinic m-HfO2 which we propose to be a prototype defect in oxide reduction by an intense electric field. We studied an emission mechanism that involves the cascading migration of 3-fold coordinated O atoms along the [001̅] direction leading to a well separated pair of oxygen vacancy (VO)/oxygen interstitial (Oi). For the neutral case, the calculated energy barrier at 5.2 eV is in good agreement with the activation energy value extracted from time to breakdown tests, supporting a thermochemical model for oxygen extraction from HfO2. An associated net dipole develops itself along the calculated emission path leading to an estimated critical electric field of 10 MV/cm. The role of charge injection on EFP formation and diffusion is also studied and shows a consequent lowering of the activation energy to 2.9 eV. The electroforming of an oxygen poor filament is commented in the framework of resistive random access memories.


单斜HfO 2的还原:氧的级联迁移及其与高电场的相互作用

使用密度泛函理论,我们调查了单斜晶m-HfO 2中扩展的Frenkel对(EFP)的形成,我们认为这是强电场还原氧化物的原型缺陷。我们研究了一种发射机理,该机理涉及3倍配位的O原子沿[001̅]方向的级联迁移,从而导致氧空位(V O)/氧间隙(O i)相互分开。对于中性情况,计算得出的5.2 eV的能垒与从时间到击穿测试中提取的活化能值非常吻合,支持了从HfO 2提取氧气的热化学模型。关联的净偶极子沿着计算出的发射路径发展,从而导致估计的10 MV / cm的临界电场。还研究了电荷注入对EFP形成和扩散的作用,结果表明其活化能降低到2.9 eV。贫氧灯丝的电铸在电阻随机存取存储器的框架中得到了评论。