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Small Molecule-Inducible and Photoactivatable Cellular RNA N1-Methyladenosine Editing
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-09 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202320029
Guoyou Xie 1 , Yunqing Lu 1 , Jiaxin He 1 , Xianyuan Yang 1 , Jiawang Zhou 1 , Cheng Yi 1 , Jian Li 2 , Zigang Li 3 , Gholamreza Asadikaram 4 , Hongxin Niu 5 , Xiaofeng Xiong 1 , Jiexin Li 1 , Hongsheng Wang 1

This study combines the CRISPR/dCas13b and chemical induced proximity (CIP) techniques to develop a small molecule-induced photo-controllable m1A demethylation editing tool (termed AI-dm1A) as well as an m1A methylation editing tool (termed AI-m1A). These m1A editing tools are able to regulate the biological function of targeted RNAs by modulating m1A modifications, which in turn influences cell functions.


小分子诱导和光激活细胞 RNA N1-甲基腺苷编辑

本研究结合CRISPR/dCas13b和化学诱导邻近(CIP)技术,开发了小分子诱导光控m 1 A去甲基化编辑工具(称为AI-dm 1 A)以及m 1 A甲基化编辑工具(称为 AI-m 1 A)。这些 m 1 A 编辑工具能够通过调节 m 1 A 修饰来调节目标 RNA 的生物学功能,从而影响细胞功能。