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Pre‐contact and post‐colonial ecological legacies shape Surinamese rainforests
Ecology ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-09 , DOI: 10.1002/ecy.4272
Nina H. Witteveen 1 , Cheryl White 2 , Barbara A. Sánchez‐Martínez 1 , Annemarie Philip 1 , Femke Boyd 1 , Roemer Booij 1 , Reyan Christ 1 , Santosh Singh 2 , William D. Gosling 1 , Dolores R. Piperno 3, 4 , Crystal N. H. McMichael 1

Disturbances in tropical forests can have long‐lasting ecological impacts, but their manifestations (ecological legacies) in modern forests are uncertain. Many Amazonian forests bear the mark of past soil modifications, species enrichments, and fire events, but the trajectories of ecological legacies from the pre‐contact or post‐colonial period remain relatively unexplored. We assessed the fire and vegetation history from 15 soil cores ranging from 0 to 10 km from a post‐colonial Surinamese archaeological site. We show that (1) fires occurred from 96 bc to recent times and induced significant vegetation change, (2) persistent ecological legacies from pre‐contact and post‐colonial fire and deforestation practices were mainly within 1 km of the archaeological site, and (3) palm enrichment of Attalea, Oenocarpus and Astrocaryum occurred within 0, 1, and 8 km of the archaeological site, respectively. Our results challenge the notion of spatially extensive and persistent ecological legacies. Instead, our data indicate that the persistence and extent of ecological legacies are dependent on their timing, frequency, type, and intensity. Examining the mechanisms and manifestations of ecological legacies is crucial in assessing forest resilience and Indigenous and local land rights in the highly threatened Amazonian forests.



热带森林的干扰可能会产生长期的生态影响,但它们在现代森林中的表现(生态遗产)尚不确定。许多亚马逊森林都带有过去土壤改造、物种丰富和火灾事件的痕迹,但接触前或殖民后时期的生态遗产轨迹仍然相对未被探索。我们评估了距苏里南后殖民时期考古遗址 0 至 10 公里范围内 15 个土芯的火灾和植被历史。我们表明 (1) 火灾发生于 96 年公元前到近代并引起了显着的植被变化,(2)接触前和殖民后火灾和森林砍伐实践产生的持久生态遗产主要集中在考古遗址 1 公里范围内,(3)棕榈富集阿塔莱亚,酒果属星姜属分别发生在距考古遗址0公里、1公里和8公里范围内。我们的结果挑战了空间广泛且持久的生态遗产的概念。相反,我们的数据表明,生态遗产的持久性和程度取决于它们的时间、频率、类型和强度。检查生态遗产的机制和表现对于评估高度受威胁的亚马逊森林的森林恢复力以及土著和当地土地权利至关重要。