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Variations on the models of Carnot irreversible thermomechanical engine
Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-08 , DOI: 10.1515/jnet-2023-0109
Michel Feidt 1 , Monica Costea 2

The JETC Conference held in Salerno (June 12–17, 2023) was the opportunity to honor the two centuries anniversary of the booklet publication of Sadi Carnot. The paper reports on a selective review summarizing the evolution of the ideas and concepts proposed by Carnot. We consider mainly: a. The Carnot cycle relative to thermomechanical engine, b. The concept of efficiency (Carnot efficiency), c. The forms of energy (thermal energy or heat, Q, and mechanical energy or work, W), d. The concept of entropy, rediscovered and completed by Clausius. We show the importance of the energy conversion irreversibilities that started to be considered more recently by two methods, namely, the ratio method and the entropy production method. The second approach provides more significant results from a global point of view, also with more local modeling (cycle process modeling). Some examples are given that illustrate the proposal: Carnot cycle in endo-irreversible or exo-reversible configuration, Chambadal modeling, Curzon–Ahlborn modeling. More generally, the modeling is done in the frame of FTT (Finite Time Thermodynamics), FST (Finite Speed Thermodynamics), or FDOT (Finite physical Dimensions Optimal Thermodynamics). Preliminary conclusions and perspectives are proposed.



在萨勒诺举行的 JETC 会议(2023 年 6 月 12 日至 17 日)是纪念萨迪·卡诺小册子出版两个世纪周年的机会。该论文报告了一项选择性回顾,总结了卡诺提出的思想和概念的演变。我们主要考虑:a.与热机械发动机相关的卡诺循环,b.效率的概念(卡诺效率),c.能量的形式(热能或热量,,以及机械能或功,), d.克劳修斯重新发现并完善了熵的概念。我们展示了最近开始通过两种方法考虑的能量转换不可逆性的重要性,即比率法和熵产生法。第二种方法从全局角度提供了更重要的结果,也具有更多的局部建模(循环过程建模)。给出了一些例子来说明该建议:内不可逆或外可逆构型的卡诺循环、Chambdal 模型、Curzon-Ahlborn 模型。更一般地,建模是在 FTT(有限时间热力学)、FST(有限速度热力学)或 FDOT(有限物理尺寸最优热力学)框架中完成的。提出初步结论和观点。