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Ottó Kornis, a Forgotten Author and Survivor of the Nazi Camps
Journal of Modern European History ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-08 , DOI: 10.1177/16118944241241443
Zoltán Tibori-Szabó 1

In May 1944, at the age of 33, the lawyer and writer Ottó Kornis was crammed into a cattle car in his native Transylvanian town, Kolozsvár (in Romanian: Cluj; after 1974: Cluj-Napoca) with 72 of his fellow Jewish citizens, his parents included. They were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau. His parents were murdered upon arrival. Out of all the passengers in that cattle car, only he and four other Jews survived the hell of the death and forced labour camps. As soon as he returned home, he wrote a book about his experience titled Smoke ( Füst), which was published in November 1945 in Cluj by the Minerva Literary and Printing Institute and was one of the very first books about the Nazi camps. The present study deals with Kornis’ career and fate from the early years of his youth until his death at the age of 38, only four years after the end of the war. It is a microhistory that explores the career and work of a celebrated and award-winning, then completely forgotten author. His life story reveals the central problems that preoccupied most of the survivors who returned from the Nazi camps to multi-ethnic Transylvania; it also helps to document the literary memorialisation of the Holocaust during the early post-war period.



1944 年 5 月,时年 33 岁的律师兼作家奥托·科尔尼斯 (Ottó Kornis) 与 72 名犹太公民同胞被塞进家乡特兰西瓦尼亚小镇科洛兹瓦尔(罗马尼亚语:克卢日;1974 年以后:克卢日-纳波卡)的一辆运牛车。包括他的父母。他们被驱逐到奥斯威辛-比克瑙集中营。他的父母在抵达时被谋杀。在那辆运牛车上的所有乘客中,只有他和其他四名犹太人在死亡和强迫劳动营的地狱中幸存下来。他一回到家,就写了一本关于自己经历的书,题为《烟雾》(Füst),该书于 1945 年 11 月由密涅瓦文学印刷学院在克卢日出版,是最早有关纳粹集中营的书籍之一。本研究涉及科尼斯从青年时代到他 38 岁去世(战争结束仅四年后)的职业生涯和命运。这是一部微观历史,探讨了一位著名、屡获殊荣、后来完全被遗忘的作家的职业生涯和作品。他的人生故事揭示了大多数从纳粹集中营返回多民族特兰西瓦尼亚的幸存者所关心的核心问题;它还有助于记录战后早期对大屠杀的文学纪念。