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Animal-Assisted Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Groups for Those who are Incarcerated: A Pre-Post-test Study
Research on Social Work Practice ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-08 , DOI: 10.1177/10497315241240708
Yvonne Eaton-Stull 1 , Christopher Streidl 1 , Denna Hays 1 , Mary Bauer 1 , Sherry Rigel 1

Incidents of self-harm present significant concerns in correctional facilities. Purpose: Developing interventions to address self-injury is beneficial to individuals who are incarcerated as well as the security personnel in charge of their care and custody. Method: Four 6-week animal-assisted dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills groups were provided to men and women incarcerated in a jail. Each group integrated two therapy dogs while participants utilized a workbook to assist in the application of DBT skills. A total of 23 participants completed the program. Results: Participants demonstrated a statistically significant decrease in self-harming behaviors. Discussion: All participants indicated that the presence of therapy dogs was helpful as they provided comfort/support, calming/coping, and focus. The receptivity to groups and the results offer support for enhancing treatment in correctional facilities.



自残事件是惩教设施中的重大问题。目的:制定解决自伤问题的干预措施对被监禁者以及负责照顾和监护他们的保安人员都是有益的。方法:为监狱中被监禁的男性和女性提供四个为期 6 周的动物辅助辩证行为治疗 (DBT) 技能小组。每组都整合了两只治疗犬,而参与者则利用工作簿来协助应用 DBT 技能。共有 23 名参与者完成了该计划。结果:参与者的自残行为在统计上显着减少。讨论:所有参与者均表示治疗犬的存在很有帮助,因为它们提供舒适/支持、镇定/应对和集中注意力。团体的接受度和结果为加强惩教设施的治疗提供了支持。